• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      There is always an aspect of the military industrial complex trying to get more funding, but ultimately this is rooted in facts. The west has largely deinudstrialized since the days of the Cold War, and its military industrial complex is currently geared towards fighting small wars against much weaker opponents. This is the first time that the west finds itself fighting a peer competitor, and it’s finding itself woefully unprepared.

      This is also a really good video explaining that the current US military budget allocation is not actually the problem.

      • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Man, that bleeping B-21. Wonder if Russian MoD/Rostekh will use it to ask for money for them and the PAK DA project

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
          1 year ago

          It’s possible, but as the video explains, the war is showing that stealth is largely an obsolete strategy at this point. There is no need for the bombers to ever get close enough to be engaged in direct combat. Instead you just launch hypersonic missiles from a safe distance. Given the success of missiles and drones, that the area I would expect Russia to further invest in. Currently, the west has no real counter to that. Drones in particular proved to be incredibly effective. They’re very cheap to produce, and very difficult to shoot down because they’re small, they fly low, and they don’t have to fly in a straight line towards the target.

          • EuthanatosMurderhobo@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Given the success of missiles and drones, that the area I would expect Russia to further invest in. Currently, the west has no real counter to that.

            I agree about missiles, but I second what comrade Shrike said about drones. You know how some generals all over Europe were weird about tanks on the verge of WWII? Some shit like this happened with drones and some of our generals, and, unfortunately, someone in the MoD listened to them. There would be no need to start buying thousands of dirt cheap Iranian ones in the middle of a war otherwise. This is being fixed with loitering munitions right now, because you don’t argue with results and Shaheds Gerans are very easy to mass produce due to simple design, tipping my hat to Iranian engineers, but NATO is far ahead when it comes to UCAV’s and recon drones. I guess, good news here is that UCAV’s don’t fair any better against air defence systems then aircraft does as Bayraktars have shown and Russia is no Armenia nor is it Iraq in terms of air defence, but situation with recon drones is pretty fucked right now. That is being worked on too, but there is nothing like Global Hawk in sight.

          • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Well USA is believed to be ahead of Russia in drone technology (by people working in aviation tech, I know a couple). Plus, you know, the general idea that USA wouldn’t just announce a stupidly expensive project like this (and our MoD wouldn’t react to it) unless there was something to it

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmygrad.mlOP
              1 year ago

              What really matters with drones is being able to pump them out quickly and cheaply. US likely has more advanced drones than Russia, but I can guarantee you they’re orders of magnitude more expensive. Also, from what I’ve read Iran reverse engineered a lot of US drone tech shooting down US drones, and that’s what they’ve been sharing with Russia recently.

              Meanwhile, US has a very long history of making stupidly expensive projects that don’t work. F35 is a prime example of this. The goal is for the military industrial complex to make as much money as possible. This means producing very expensive weapons that take a long time to make because you want long term contracts.

              The fact that Russian MoD would research these types of weapons make sense, but shouldn’t be read too deeply into. If there are aspects of such stealth bombers that work it’s good to know how to produce them. But the current war is showing that you don’t really need them.

              It’s also worth noting that US hasn’t really used stealth in practice either. When US does bombing in Middle East, they also use stand off tactics where they launch the missiles from outside the range of air defence systems. Clearly US isn’t willing to test how well their stealth capabilities actually work.