Moderator is clearly absent and it is being spammed by a certain user with right-wing tabloid articles.

    • poVoqOP
      -51 year ago

      I can’t because it is against the specifically stated rules of that community. See the double-standard at play here?

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        61 year ago

        I didn’t make the community, so don’t blame me here. Once again though, I’m very happy to discuss the context around the events the articles report. The article you posted in another thread was a good example, and I wonder why you didn’t post it on /c/europe yourself. That article provides a good overview and overarching context for the farmer protests, and as I’ve pointed out I agree with it entirely.

        What I am seeing is that there is an energy crisis in Europe, it is very clearly having a severe impact on the economy, and it is affecting large numbers of people. This is translating into civil unrest in European countries. The narrative of the right is clearly appealing to people and right wing is doing mass recruitment.

        You’ve dismissed the problem as being fictitious in every conversation we’ve had on the subject. Yet, if that was indeed the case then you wouldn’t be seeing far right mobs growing by the day.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            31 year ago

            So, you’re saying I’m responsible for the policy of /c/china even though I don’t moderate the community? You asked me how I would feel if you posted sources I disagree with, and I replied that I’m fine with that and we could discuss those sources. I’ll happily provide my perspective on why I disagree with these sources and if I think they’re incorrect then I’ll provide sources showing that. Stop trying to do personal attacks on me because you disagree with my views.