• @jackalopeOP
    21 year ago

    Also friendica which I like but can’t get any friends to join. Friendica is also a little dated on its visual design.

    • Jun Bird
      1 year ago

      @jackalope @pingveno I think that Friendica’s UI was literally inspired by early Facebook’s. It’s not slick, but it has its charm, it’s kind of nostalgic.

      • @jackalopeOP
        11 year ago

        It def looks it which has it’s charm but there’s some improvements I think would help. Development doesn’t seem that active though. Also friendica seems to be mostly German focused and I found the “look for a server” experience a bit rougher than with Mastodon which at least has a “backup server for everyone” with mastodon.social.

    • F00FC7C8 likes to infodump
      21 year ago

      @pingveno @jackalope The utility of any social network is determined by its active users, and Friendica users can communicate with Mastodon and Diaspora folks. It’s just that those users make up 99% of its social utility and the majority end up forced to make unusual concessions for compatibility (like not titling your posts, so Mastodonites don’t have to click on a link to read them).