• KromonosOP
    21 year ago

    He killed Chewbacca? :o …
    I currently have only read the Drizzt saga, but was not really convinced by it. My next plan was the Dark Elf Trilogy, but I heard that’s the same as Drizzt?

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      1 year ago

      Dark Elf Trilogy part of Drizzt saga. It’s first trilogy of several ones about him (and his annoying friends and enemies, though its maybe so good exactly because they didn’t show in there yet), about his childhood and how he became the guy who appeared in the Icewind Dale trilogy (so a prequel to ID). There is around 15 books overall but later ones are meh.

      He killed Chewbacca? :o …

      Literally smashed him with a falling moon. And yes, it was the old canon death of him, he was gone for good. Well i guess nothing less could kill Chewbacca, but still its cringy. Book was Vector Prime, first book of Yuuzhan Vong invasion cycle.