Again some people who carried LGBT flag were arrested during some football match as far as I know, I saw it on Telegram.

Also, again some laws on banning ‘‘LGBT pRoPaGaNdA’’ were signed by government and Putin I think, they won’t shut up about it. What is up with this?

    1 year ago

    A vulgar, reductionist, and tragically short sighted view. Patriarchy and cis-/heteronormativity are integral pillars of the bourgeois superstructure that serve to enable and perpetuate capitalist exploitation (as Engels, Kollontai and others explained, the nuclear family is a product of class society and the vehicle through which unpaid reproductive labor occurs, and both women’s and LGBT liberation are a threat to that, hence why these are twin struggles) in much the same way that white supremacy and ableism do and should be fought for the same reasons. Plus, you only harm your own movement by adopting a bigoted position on gender and sexual orientation in the same way that white workers in the US were harmed by the racism that the ruling classes inculcated in them to break their solidarity with potential black and brown allies. Whether or not the oppressed group is a minority is insubstantial, a reactionary view on these issues only serves capital, it splinters the working class and turns it against itself, it is a typical divide and rule strategy (read Du Bois on “the wages of whiteness”).

    Communists are not tailists, we do not pander to the most reactionary instincts of the most backwards sections of the masses (neither the Bolsheviks nor the Chinese communists adopted tailist positions on the question of women’s liberation for instance even though the broad masses were steeped in a traditionally patriarchal culture that necessitated waging a fierce struggle to get them to accept gender equality). We educate them and we elevate the most progressive and revolutionary elements among them. Your position reeks of opportunism and Menshevism.