• @tomasz
    -71 year ago

    The fascist and terrorist state must collapse. Like the German Reich or ISIS.

    • @pingveno
      1 year ago

      Eh… I’m not wild about the idea of another Russia-centered collapse. I do hope that it transitions to a government that serves its people rather than a kleptocracy that enriches its leaders and feeds egos. But collapses are just as likely to wind up with another disaster, and I don’t wish that on the Russian people.

      • @vekku@sopuli.xyzOP
        11 year ago

        Are there options for fixing Russia that doesn’t include a collapse? Fascist states like Russia seem to have a very strong grip to power.

    • @Stoned_Ape
      11 year ago

      Which state are you referring to? One of the eastern states? Or one of the western states? They’re both awful in a lot of ways. The question is: Should any of these fascist states win? Or should the human being win and get rid of fake democracies led by people high on the anti-social disorder scale?