
Other responses:

  • Agree, but maybe she can give them some recipes and motivate them to do it. Or it was just a kind gesture and that’s it. I know I went a while without cooking my own meals, I was a total trash goblin, but part of that was also because I couldn’t afford much else.

    • It’s super easy to get into the “trash” food routine because at the end of the day, it’s a habit. And food is just right there, you can always call the pizza place or put something frozen in the oven. It’s available right here and there all the time.

      One thing I’ve noticed is the more you cook the more you want to do it though.

      101 year ago

      I just want to point out that I would be very upset if someone came to my door, told me I was eating like trash, and then gave me instructions on how to better eat; whereas, I would be grateful if they came to my house with a dish they’d prepared, even if I didn’t want it.