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    • @frippa
      1 year ago

      One where we know that 20 - 30 - 50 - 70 years down the line there will be a civilization to speak of, that’s not the case today and we are seeing it. Who knows if in 30 years in the 2050s we will still have nations, banks etc, there might be a shtf scenario.

      • @freagle@lemmygrad.ml
        91 year ago

        Defining civilization as consumer markets for speculative investments, private banking institutions that collect rent on financialized capital, and the existence of liberal institutions attendant to the state is very much what we are all trying to get away from this community. Civilization is what we make it for ourselves and if that means overthrowing global capital and the speculation markets with it, then we will have civilization, a more advanced one at that, and speculation will still be a bad idea.

        Don’t internalize the dehumanizing rhetoric of liberals.

        • @frippa
          61 year ago

          Well I’m not saying that, just that as a result of water wars, death of billions, possible nuclear war etc one of the billions onf repercussions will be that pieces of paper will not be worth anything, just like they will not be worth anything in socialism, socialism is the end of private banking etc but it isn’t the end of civilization, merely a new one, I was speaking about a shtf scenario where the only thing that count are a rifle and clean water. .

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        81 year ago

        I mean, shit has already hit the fan in 1985, we’re just still living with the repercussions. Unless you mean something more rapid, like nuclear war or a new, even deadlier pandemic. But in those cases “prepping” is unlikely to help either - due to death