• @graphito
    1 year ago

    yeeees-yes-yes, beautiful! Yeah, let me see

    • retaliation is a strategic gain | check!
    • driving away the enemy without a fight is both suffering horrific losses and also doesn’t count not a real victory | check-check!
    • dooming the poorest of civilians to frost death without electricity while not affecting the situation on the battlefield is a real victory (oof, I thought you’re communist!) | CHECK
    • EU will freeze 😞 | Not check! | did you forget to practice your lines? I thought we’ve already gone through this all several times!

    Also-also, can you name a situation where you would (hypothetically of course!) acknowledge ukrainian gains? I really would like to have it on the record to show it to you later

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      11 year ago

      Wake me up when Ukraine actually manages to defeat Russia in combat little buddy.