• @Coolguybest@lemmygrad.ml
    71 year ago

    Trashfuture is good at looking at some news and economic things, but some of their AES takes aren’t great. Anyone else have an opinion about them?

    • Ratette (she/her)OP
      1 year ago

      I’ve listened to trash future and this is my take as well.

      It’s a load of white British (and one canadian) socialists so I expected what I got from it.

      Good jokes, questionable takes outside of the imperial core.

      • @mauveOkra@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I think one of them is a different ethnicity, I think his name’s Hussein. Also Alice is muslim but I think she converted so I have no idea.

        But yeah they’re not as based as the deprogram or anything.

        • Ratette (she/her)OP
          1 year ago

          Oh 💀 now I feel like trash.

          It’s the sort or “oh we are smart westerners who while socialist, must engage with capitalism” and its like errrrrgggghhhhhh.

          I was meant to go see one on their comedy tour but never did as had flu 😭

          • @mauveOkra@lemmygrad.ml
            31 year ago

            Don’t worry lol it’s an audio format and you pretty much read their politics right. I think I listened to it for a year before realizing Hussein and Riley were even different people lmao

            • Ratette (she/her)OP
              31 year ago

              Lmao, I don’t hate them and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants a laugh and has a good enough understand of ML to recognise their garbage takes when they happen but I won’t pretend to be a regular listener.

              That said the whole intro sketch about debating in the market place of ideas and the quinoa kymer rouge made me howl.

    • @mauveOkra@lemmygrad.ml
      41 year ago

      I find them very entertaining. I think they’re generally good and they haven’t jumped on the Ukraine band wagon as far as I know. Or at the very least they tend to avoid the topic. Milo is hilarious but has piss poor takes on current and historical socialist countries and similarly Alice occasionally has channy/memey quips about the USSR. Riley generally seems to steer away from this and acts reserved so I suspect either he thinks this memey USSR stuff is based on poor surface-lever analysis or he may be some type of communist but not want to directly contradict them. Or I wouldn’t be surprised if he is just trying balance an audience that ranges from radlib to communist since most often these topics are avoided, and it seems quite intentional.

      Another podcast with a similar dynamic is QAnon Anonymous, though they are a bit more lib. Similarly, they seem to avoid, to a certain extent, topics that would pit communists and radlibs. Travis is a dyed in the wool lib, though he seems well meaning and has some vaguely anticapitalist sympathies; Jake plays the dumb funny guy; and I suspect Julian may secretly be a communist (or adjacent), possibly even keeping under the radar of the other hosts. I think they recently had on the two guys that do The Dollop and Dave Anthony similarly seems com/com-adjacent (though I don’t like the format of his show that much). Together they really brought out the anti-capitalist elements of some of the hosts.

      • QueerCommie
        21 year ago

        On QAA I think one of them mentioned something about being a commie, though I don’t know the strain.