Vile cretinous bootlicking piece of shit.

I wasn’t going to vote for him anyway but what a vile, slimes, performative piece of utter shit.

How do I hate the Labour leader more than the conservatives at this point?!

Utter scum.


Worth less than the shit suits he wears.

Rotten slime.



I deal with enough transphobia on this shit hole island without them legitimising it further.

I’m fucking angry and I’m genuinely scared 😞

  • Ratette (she/her)OP
    112 years ago

    What sort of self respecting politician does a fucking interview for mumsnet? It’s literally a toxic, bigoted board for TERFs and reactionary homophobes and regressive scum.

    These are the sort of people who demonise women for getting c-sections btw and say “a woman’s place is at home in the kitchen with their kids”.

    This isn’t like “uwu social media for mums” it’s “women aren’t women unless they’ve pushed a child out naturally and any woman who doesn’t is a fraud”.

    Scum website. It’s literally just reddit/4chan for angry miserable mums who spend their time shitting on others.

      122 years ago

      No idea how healthy it is, but being ashamed of the way I used to be when I was “more mentally ill” has helped me keep in check.

      A lot of the dissociation you’re feeling might be more related to drugs than any organic function of your “natural brain”. So, you’re not crazy and it’s not forever.

      • @TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.mlOP
        2 years ago

        Yeah, I am sure when things are better I will look back with disgust at my lifestyle now.

        That is probably true. I just have been fucked up for most of my waking hours for a while now so it’s hard to remember what it was like not feeling permanently fried.