They laid off half their devs for this.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      272 years ago

      I’m anti-communist, anti-capitalist, and anti-socialist.

      What does this even means? He’s for feudalism or what?

      • The Free Penguin
        92 years ago

        It’s basically fascism in disguise, fascists claim to be anticapitalist to deceive the working class but their politics keep capitalism in power

      • Organism
        -92 years ago

        It means I don’t like any of the economic systems, everything has its flaws. Doesn’t mean I won’t choose one over another, I just don’t like them.

        • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
          2 years ago

          That pretty much clear things, because there is no system except capitalism, socialism/communism and the obsolete ones already in the dustbin of history like feudalism.

          Problem is, this means 100% you are a liberal and will choose capitalism every single time, as you prove by your postpolitical stance and the answer to me in other thread that you won’t even read about socialism.

          I just don’t like them.

          See, you were made to dislike socialism and communism by the ovewhelming capitalist propaganda. And you don’t like capitalism because you live in it and see how shit system it it - just like 99% of liberals, there is just no alternative (you also failed to provide one even vaguely when i asked in my post above). This is by no means unique, it is part of the system too - capitalists don’t give a shit liberals don’t like capitalism as long as they don’t oppose it, and as history of last 200 years prove only socialism is an real opposition for capitalism.

          Seriously read what i provided you, as proud centrist you shouldn’t be scared of reading something from the other side when you are flooded by the capitalist propaganda each and every day, right? How you can even really be a centrist if you didn’t do it already?

          • Organism
            -102 years ago

            I replied to another one of your comments addressing most of these things, I hope that clears it up too. I’m starting to think this might be a bit of a language barrier problem.

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              2 years ago

              Not really, it’s more of a learning and/or understading problem. Most objectively, the line between left and right goes in the point of supporting capitalism or socialism, as those are the only one active systems today, and that line is going currently between socialdemocrats who want capitalism with human face and democratic socialists who want to implement socialism by reforms and not revolution (never happened even once but they fail to learn from examples such as Allende).

              PS. American “democratic socialists” like Bernie are in fact right wing of socialdemcracy at best, socialchauvinists.

              • Organism
                -102 years ago

                As a centrist I’m just not very inclined to go all the way to one side or another, but I will read your provided sources like I read rightwing capitalist shit daily. I’d like some less biased sources that have less of an agenda but I’ll find those on my own. I’ll probably stay in the center but learning is learning. Especially when it’s something as subjective as economic and social systems.

                  • Organism
                    -92 years ago

                    im fine with not agreeing, i dont usually agree with people. but I do value your position and ideas. freedom of thought is really important to me and i do hope one day for at the very least a more socialist form of capitalism. sorry we got off on the wrong foot. i dont mean to come off as such a strong capitalist liberal, though my sense of humor being parody and stereotypes and me flip flopping from ideology to ideology might make that hard.