• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          92 years ago

          Sure, turns out most people are perfectly fine with controlled mainstream media. And this is what makes the whole system so effective. Even when alternative media is available, most people just ignore it.

      • @graphito
        -22 years ago

        I’m just guessing, but maybe just maybe people like you have something to do with it?

    • @OnishiMyers
      22 years ago

      Honestly the real problem though… is the double edged problem. Sadly the majority of people that are censored… are ones that no one wants to listen to, self admitted white supremacists, Flat earthers, anti vax, school shooting deniers etc…

      The problem is in the ideal world, those types aren’t censored, but are burried on the simple ground of being outnumbered. But sadly they are a larger fringe than people that just care about free speach… and thus when a platform opens without censorship, instead of representing the actual reality, it disproportionately gets overtaken by the hateful extremists.