• @AgreeableLandscape
    2 years ago

    Okay first of all, as a Chinese person, I can tell you that dogs are eaten in China about as often as bull testicles are eaten in the US or maggot poop cheese is eaten in Italy. AKA, pretty uncommon and controversial as hell. It’s definitely not like they’re being eaten to extinction so I’m not sure why this is even an example other than for casual racism.

    Also, just because animals get eaten doesn’t mean they’re doing poorly in the environment. Ants are the most commonly preyed upon animal on the planet by number of individuals, and last I checked, they’re doing fine on the species levels.

    That aside, going by birth rate and global populations, which is really all that matters in terms of evolutionary biology, dogs are doing universes better than wolves. Most wolf species are somewhere on the endangered species spectrum, while that’s absolutely not true for dogs. Being raised humans as pets can be thought of as a symbiotic relationship, it’s no different from an evolutionary perspective than certain species of plants needing a specific species of insect to pollinate them. Just because they can’t survive without humans doesn’t mean anything, because surprise surprise, we’re apart of the ecosystem, not parallel to it, and we play a massive part in the evolution of other species.

    • @ZerushOP
      -32 years ago

      I agree on the point that there is not much difference in eating a pig, a cow or a dog, things of custom. Also that dogs usually have a comfortable life, as it should be, but many times people acquire a dog without knowing how to educate it, mistreating it, leaving it alone and unattended all day, when the owners go to work and taking it to pee around the block for 10 minutes. The result is that half of the dogs in the cities become neurotic and sometimes even dangerous and aggressive. Therefore, that the life of the dog is better than that of the wolf can be quite relative.

      • @AgreeableLandscape
        2 years ago

        I was specifically referring to the evolutionary fitness of the SPECIES, not the life of an INDIVIDUAL animal. Those are two completely different concepts. There are animals that literally live in the colon of larger animals that are extremely successful as a species, but the lives of the individuals are pretty shitty. The evolutionary process doesn’t care how nice your life is, just that you live long enough to reproduce.

        Should we be mistreating animals then? Hell no! Evolution and human ethics are also two completely different concepts.

        • @ZerushOP
          -12 years ago

          Human ethics is too often quite debatable. With 80% of dogs with obesity problems and breeds so overbred to fit the canons, that almost all large breeds end up with serious hip problems, small breeds that can no longer even give birth without medical assistance and intervention, or these pugs with respiratory problems and chronic eye inflammation. We confuse their gratitude and submission with that they like to be with us, although it is in their nature to see us as the leader of the pack that is followed to death, even when it mistreats them.