Wow, I’m sure glad I don’t live in China. I could never live somewhere people aren’t allowed to think freely or live as individuals!!

      • Exactly! Some people don’t seem to understand that being funded entirely by the British government doesn’t mean that the BBC has any bias! They can write anything they want without fear of censorship, unlike the Communist State Media in Communist China.

        • Ratette (she/her)
          2 years ago

          This is entirely true and factual. I think many forget that criticism of communism is a test of intellectual integrity and only through honourable publications such as the BBC, the Guardian and CNN can this be fully excercised within the rules established by our cultural zeitgeist.

          Frankly if we didn’t have those publications keeping these minoritiy groups in check they might ask for more rights and go too far and then nobody wins.

          • Exactly. Without our fair and honest mainstream media, our society might devolve into one where people have to find news through other means, and that would certainly lead them to Russian or Chinese or Iranian or Venezuelan or Cuban or Syrian or Vietnamese or North Korean disinformation!

            • Ratette (she/her)
              2 years ago

              Of course and I think what is most telling is that all these countries believe in “sOcIaLiSm” like its somehow going to provide for people? Laughable really, there’s no way our societies can function without a hyper competitive, strong eat the rich mentality that incentives companies to provide more.

              Honestly I don’t think socialism is inherently evil I just know it can’t work without dictatorships and authoritarianism frankly. Maybe in the future our countries could look at adopting some socialist policies to better care for the elderly but frankly it’s a slippery slope to enabling laziness and handouts for all who don’t want to fairly earn their way in life.