I am pretty much looking for all kinds of quality left analysis I can play in the background at work. My job involves zero human interaction 95% of the time and I can wear earbuds, so it doesn’t need to be super sanitized or anything like mainstream news. I’m a big fan of the socialist program with Brian Becker, as well as pretty much everything put out by Breakthrough News and Multipolarista. They’re pretty big though and I’m struggling to find much else as I don’t really use any other social media. Also really like Revolutionary Left Radio and their theory podcast Red Menace, so theory heavy stuff is more than welcome.

  • In addition to what you mentioned:

    • Communist: Danny Haiphong (streams and clips), Proles of the Round Table (podcast), Marx Madness (podcast), The Punchout (podcast)
    • Not communist, but anti-imperialist: The New Atlas (highly recommended), Richard Medhurst (streams and clips)