I just noticed something, revolutionary anarchism doesn’t make sense in some way. Anarchism is against authority, but if a revolution happen, anarchists, by destroying the actual system, will force people to adopt a new lifestyle against their freewill.

What do you think about that? Isn’t this a paradox?

EDIT: Just to note, this is not a troll post, I am really asking myself this question. I am discussing on Discord about the same topic and I forgot to mention that I am only talking about a VIOLENT revolution.

  • @MobocraticEgoist
    3 years ago

    There is a strategy that allows anarchism to slowly be adopted by voluntary choice, called panarchism. It’s based on the exact observations you just made. Please read Panarchy, a Forgotten Idea of 1860 by Max Nettlau:


    Relevant snippet here:

    The frequently discussed question: “What ought to be done with the reactionaries, who cannot adapt to liberty?”, would thereby be very simply solved: They may retain their State, as long as they want it. But for us it would become unimportant. Over us it would have no more power than the eccentric ideas of a sect which are of interest to no one else. Thus it will happen, sooner or later. Freedom will break a path for itself, everywhere.