• @brechvorlage@lemmygrad.ml
    92 years ago

    All oligarchs have connections to the spooks. Tesla is a financial scam basically, so that already explains why it’s stupid and failing.

    SpaceX is a military contractor, and they’re trying to sell Starlink as a weapon because it’s way too expensive to launch a satellite into orbit just so it can provide internet to a hundred or whatever people (when it’s not in the middle of nowhere). It makes no sense as civilian infrastructure, who’s going to pay for that? The military loves paying through the nose for that kind of shit.

    I’m not sure about instrumental though, it’s not like NATO doesn’t already have radios.

    • @mylifeforaiur@lemmygrad.ml
      22 years ago

      Starlink itself is a financial disaster so large that even the us military would blush at that level of wasteful spending. Musk is desperate to find enough buyers for Starlink because, without it, SpaceX would go bust and take the rest of Musk’s companies with it.

    • SpaceCowboyOP
      12 years ago

      radio is inferior to satellite comms by a long shot. I heard people who have been in government/military intel talking about Starlink with glowing praise.

      I feel like SpaceX is more than just a contractor. Like it feels like more directly a cutout than a company like Boeing is. Moreso in the vein of google or facebook where there is a sketchy origin story.

      Definitely all oligarchs have ties to the deep state.