• @mylifeforaiur@lemmygrad.ml
      112 years ago

      It’s kind of silly to believe the cia has no methods besides starlink for this purpose. There have been competing geosynchronous internet services for like a decade before musk started using starlink as an excuse to keep SpaceX alive. Once again I believe this is nothing more than a publicity stunt to make sure everyone remembers how important Elon musk is so we keep the state subsidies going for his businesses.

      • SpaceCowboyOP
        2 years ago

        I’m gonna be honest, I thought I knew a lot about the SpaceX/Starlink CIA relationship, but I should probably brush up if I’m gonna be giving my opinion so freely… more caveats with my opinions on the matter (I know more about the interpersonal/political side than the tech side).

        Do you have any resources that inform your opinion or is it just based on your background, knowledge, and experience in a more general way?