Africa having a field day today. This quote is upvoted by the same people that want no queen slander whatsoever.

Europe is becoming completely unhinged in their joined effort to…? To do what exactly? Financially destroy themselves to own the Russians?

If we don’t go all out in a nuclear war for the above mentioned reason then I wonder where the European socdems draw the line.

    222 years ago

    he’ll be replaced by some random Russian dude (or dudette)

    It will hardly be someone random. With that much hysteria (like the linked above) we might actually end up with someone even more hawkish.

      112 years ago

      There is a non-zero probability that if Putin is somehow overthrown, the one who will replace him will be so bloodthirsty that he will not hesitate to press all the red buttons.

        142 years ago

        It’s not about being bloodthirsty, it’s about being callous and out of touch. See the reaction to the current “partial” mobilization. Imagine if a full-scale mobilization was announced, as certain “true believers” were calling for.