Liberals: we support free speech

also liberals: don’t allow you to downvote content you don’t like

    112 years ago

    In fairness, and I’m not defending shit ass beehaw, but Hexbear also doesn’t have downvotes. It was mainly due to brigading. We don’t have as big of an issue with that here due to the way accounts are made but over there it was a bit bigger of a problem. It also forces actual engagement as you can’t just downvotes and not say anything. If you disagree you have to voice it. Which is also I feel why banning seems to happen a lot more over there lol. It seems like there’s often a lot of “friendly fire” over there sometimes because people can get heated over really minor shit that could have just been a quick downvote to disagree and then move on.

    I’m glad we have downvotes here though. And I like that instead of a static vote number it shows the actual number of up and down votes.

    • @CoinOperatedBoi
      22 years ago

      Yeah downvotes were being widely used as a form of harassment against trans users there. Within the first week there were voting bots being spun up by spammers and people looking to otherwise disrupt the site’s launch. It wasn’t long before ever single thing posted by a known trans user and everything posted in the trans comm was downvoted like 4 times immediately after it was posted.