• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    I’m curious what’s the new playbook now when China demanded Russia that they must leave Kazakhstan alone and keep it independent? Seems China holds the better hand now. And when China is the one that literally funds Russia now so…

    China is the biggest winner, and China becoming the dominant geopolitical player can only be a good thing. Certainly a far most sane and stable country than Russia. However, claiming that China is the only country that funds Russia is just plain old misinformation. Russia has lots of trade with India, Iran, Turkey, and many other countries including most of Latin America. BRICS is rapidly becoming world’s dominant economy and Russia is a the centre of it.

    Meanwhile, the west doesn’t actually produce much of anything and with cheap and abundant energy being the thing of the past, Europe is now starting to deinudstrialize further.

    People voted because they wanted to take a step towards western countries and Europe. Russia didn’t like that. And here we are in 2022 where the propaganda blossoms that west is the one to blame and the government was overthrown. Sigh.

    That’s not what actually happened. It was a violent coup that overthrew the government people voted for. You’re either utterly ignorant or much more likely a liar.

    It was a demand.

    It was a negotiation, and Ukraine was close to accepting the terms. This would’ve preserved most of the territory Ukraine had before the war. After the west sabotaged this negotiation Ukraine’s position has been worsening with every single month.

    Is it just me or does it look bad if we bend the knee and became a pawn for Russia? I’d say that’s pretty idiotic policy.

    That is precisely where the current European policy is leading you. So, if you think that’s bad, then you should be opposing it, but since you’re also an idiot you support it. This is a self fulfilling prophecy.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            2 years ago

            It’s hilarious how you keep talking about some moral superiority here. US runs a literal torture camp on Cuban soil and causing a famine in Afghanistan by robbing them of their foreign assets after hunting people for sport there for past two decades. These are your best friends in NATO. If you cared about human rights even a tiniest bit you’d be against NATO, but you’re just fine with war crimes as long as they serve you because you’re a depraved fuck.

            Hopefully in six months your propaganda orchestra has lost its notes.

            You keep on hoping, reality isn’t going to bend the knee for you though.

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                2 years ago

                NATO is objectively not the lesser evil. Nothing Russia has done to date even begins to compare to the atrocities NATO is responsible for. The war on terror alone eclipses any intervention by Russia anywhere. You openly support the biggest terrorist organization in the world, and keep trying to make some false equivalence here. It’s pathetic.

                There’s a difference if there are civilian casualties versus actively targeting and killing civilians.

                Oh you mean like 90% of done strikes that kill civilians. Or perhaps deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan that NATO has done?

                I refuse to believe that anyone could so ignorant not to know these things. Which leaves only one possible conclusion.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    2 years ago

                    It’s not a one sided view of the situation. It’s an objective fact. NATO has invaded and destroyed multiple countries in the past decades, and continues committing atrocities today. NATO is currently a direct sponsor of the genocide in Yemen. Russia is objectively the lesser evil here.

                    I cannot believe how ignorant you are when concerning atrocities made by Russia. Especially after what was just discovered in Izjum.

                    Provide examples of atrocities committed by Russia that come anywhere close to NATO atrocities. NATO literally murdered MILLIONS of people, and that fact that you think that’s in any way comparable to the conflict in Ukraine really shows how utterly depraved you are.