• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    2 years ago

    NATO is objectively not the lesser evil. Nothing Russia has done to date even begins to compare to the atrocities NATO is responsible for. The war on terror alone eclipses any intervention by Russia anywhere. You openly support the biggest terrorist organization in the world, and keep trying to make some false equivalence here. It’s pathetic.

    There’s a difference if there are civilian casualties versus actively targeting and killing civilians.

    Oh you mean like 90% of done strikes that kill civilians. Or perhaps deliberate destruction of civilian infrastructure in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Afghanistan that NATO has done?

    I refuse to believe that anyone could so ignorant not to know these things. Which leaves only one possible conclusion.

      • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
        2 years ago

        It’s not a one sided view of the situation. It’s an objective fact. NATO has invaded and destroyed multiple countries in the past decades, and continues committing atrocities today. NATO is currently a direct sponsor of the genocide in Yemen. Russia is objectively the lesser evil here.

        I cannot believe how ignorant you are when concerning atrocities made by Russia. Especially after what was just discovered in Izjum.

        Provide examples of atrocities committed by Russia that come anywhere close to NATO atrocities. NATO literally murdered MILLIONS of people, and that fact that you think that’s in any way comparable to the conflict in Ukraine really shows how utterly depraved you are.

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            2 years ago

            NATO alliance is responsible for the invasion and destruction of multiple countries and murder of millions of people. Russia has done nothing that comes close to that. That’s an objective fact.

            NATO sponsors a literal genocidal regime in Saudi Arabia and is responsible for funding death squads, running coups, and overthrowing democratic governments all over the world.

            Literal books have been written on how NATO/US is in fact directly responsible for killing civilians. The fact that you continue to deny this further illustrates how utterly morally bankrupt you are. Finally showing your true colors here.

            just a couple of examples

              • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                2 years ago

                Literally linked two books for you to read in the last comment. I linked you a source tallying the death toll from the war on terror earlier as well. I linked you an article showing how 90% of drone strikes in Afghanistan targeted civilians.

                All these things are well documented and beyond any question. If you are genuinely unaware of them then you’re far more intellectually impoverished than even I imagined.

                And talking about lesser evils, I still believe in free speech and that people have equal rights.

                People in countries with more rights bear more responsibility for the actions of their government. And the fact that NATO is responsible for some of the most horrific crimes against humanity does not reflect well on supporters of this genocidal alliance. That kind of shit cannot be supported or tolerated.

                  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
                    2 years ago

                    I’m talking about the numbers by Russia here. If you think NATO is not the lesser evil, provide the numbers from both sides for comparison.

                    If you’re claiming that Russia has killed over 6 million people then it’s up to you to substantiate this fantastical claim. Russia has been involved in a few minor conflicts since the collapse of USSR, and these don’t come anywhere close in scale to the wars NATO has started.

                    As far as I know, NATO is not going towards reducing freedom, rights or free speech.

                    It’s absolutely doing that both domestically, but especially so in countries that NATO subjugates. If you’re comfortable with your personal freedoms being propped up by atrocities then you’re the greater evil.