• Ratette (she/her)
    202 years ago

    Fuck Andrew Tate for everything he is and does but a specific fuck him for being the only topic of conversation cis het men talk to me about atm.

    ERGHHHOHDKDJWJTJEIGI get a personality!

      • Ratette (she/her)
        152 years ago

        Well 99% of my friends are queer but when I chat with others in the pub it ALWAYS comes up. “Have you heard of Andrew Tate?” Errghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

          • Ratette (she/her)
            152 years ago

            An unhinged misogynist that seems to have exploded recently on social media. The sort of game theory dickhead who sees women as a challenge.

          • Ratette (she/her)
            72 years ago

            Lol its the locals at the pub, that’s not my circles but societies!! insert joker meme here

          • Ratette (she/her)
            152 years ago

            I wish! 🥁 tis

            It’s just like every straight guy I know is going down the same pipeline.

            First it was crypto, then Joe rogan, then Jordan peterson, then ‘feminism is literally an extremist ideology erasing men’ and now its like “oh ratto, you’re one of those sjw’s, have you heard of Andrew Tate?”.

              • Ratette (she/her)
                142 years ago

                Lol literally a line I’ve heard in the last two weeks

                “oh you gunna tell me that he (Tate) is misogynistic too?”

                Ermm yes, yes I am.

                • I would ask them if they’re deathly stupid or if they have any idea WHEN they would see something misogynistic and know when to call it misogynistic.

                  If men wanna play the confused victim to get away with their toxic mindset; then they deserve to be hated.