You’ve probably noticed the increase in posts of upwards of 50 comments in the last few days. All the trolls are out on watch.

  • @frippa
    82 years ago

    Lmao I think some butthurt lib is down voting all ur stuff checking ur profile, whanmt not enough sunlight does to a mf

    • Catraism-StalinismOP
      72 years ago

      they even replied to me in my tankie tunes community when I briefly mentioned it! He keeps following me around!

      • Send me the link to his comment and I’ll ban him from the instance. You’ll still see him on lemmy, but that will prevent him from following you here.

      • @frippa
        42 years ago

        libs lurking in the shadows…

        • Catraism-StalinismOP
          62 years ago

          They only hide in the shadows because our badhammers would purge them in an instant if they showed their face.