So difficult to find sympathetic fiction online. Currently looking at a book called The Sympathizer by a Vietnamese author about a pro-Vietnamese double agent living in Amerika, seems interesting. Every other search result is anti-communist piss splattered over pages and sold as “gripping, realistic, startlingly accurate”.

Even if it’s bad writing or whatever, I’m curious if any of y’all know some explicitly or implicitly communist fiction worth checking out.

    92 years ago

    I recently read Red Star and Engineer Menni by Alexander Bogdanov. They were written before the Russian Revolution, so they are pretty old. I liked Engineer Menni better than Red Star. I honestly didn’t enjoy them that much, but they had their moments.

    • I also read Red Star this year. I thought it was quite forward thinking despite the time period in which it was written. You can tell Bogdanov was really interested in the new developments taking place in atomic physics.

        22 years ago

        It was interesting for sure. I really liked when he first got to Mars. My interest waned when the story became about his love interests, but that’s probably on me.