It’s beyond parody at this point.

    232 years ago

    This will permanently cripple the future of an entire generation of working class irreparably, even if a Communist revolution takes place in their locale in their lifetime.

    This is the owning class placing children on the sacrificial alter. This is the Capitalist class once again fucking over the working class.

    This is something to kill Capitalists over, not celebrate.

    Gonna go out on a limb here and wager you weren’t saying, “this sucks for the women but it guarantees America’s failure long term so…” when abortion was criminalized recently.

    Children are an age group, and singling out a specific group based on biological factors as a sort of sacrifice doesn’t sit well with me.

    I have liked a lot of your contributions to various Lemmy posts but this one should be revisited, Comrade.

        182 years ago

        I understand. I hate it too. I want it to fall too.

        But I want it to fall specifically to the benefit of the next generation. Not to the detriment. Future working class people will have enough on their plate with things like climate change. And even if the revolution is happening right now the vestiges of Capitalism will take several generations to wipe away. During that time the next generations will need every tool at their disposal to fix what we failed to fix in our lifetimes.