I am originally from one of the rainiest regions in my middle european country and the last 2-3 years have been a wakeup call for me. I have never seen so many dead and dry trees in the forest. The vast majority of spruces are dead and deciduous trees suffer as well. Streams and water reservoirs that I’ve never seen dry before have been completely empty. And lastly, we even had the largest forest fire that my area has seen in many years in fucking APRIL of this year. I am afraid of what is to come.

What are your experiences with changing climate in your region and how do people react to it?

  • @forgotmylastusername
    23 years ago

    It’s very dry here too. I don’t mow the lawn much anymore through summer. Only when there’s maybe a few weeks span when there’s some rain in the forecast.

    I remembered there used to be frogs around here. One of the neighbour kids when I was young used to play with them. I could spot some in the yard all the time. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one as an adult. Maybe that has something to do with clime change or maybe not.