Is anyone else getting increasingly annoyed at the fact that half the posts to Genzedong, British Communism, etc are screenshots of anticommunists spouting nonsense? I get that the person posting is communist and they’re calling out those screenshots as BS, so it’s not technically anticommunist propaganda in itself but a showcase of anticommunist propaganda, but it’s still annoying when I’m trying to see communist content in a community marked as “communist content only” and get hit with literal Nazis justifying fascism, especially when there are dedicated communities for all kinds of anticommunist nonsense: ShitLiberalsSay, ShitFascistsSay, ShitAnarchistsSay, etc.

    152 years ago

    A designated page for these posts and strictly enforcing that is the only answer here. I have been coming to this platform less because of it, it’s definitely clouding out the other posts.

    • @aworldtowin
      52 years ago

      Idk I feel like at this point a better move would be applying the subreddit rule of lib cringe weekends so only 2/7 days were SLS style posts allowed. Then maybe once it’s bigger there can be a side community imo it’s too small for that since activity has died down after the sub wasn’t full on banned. I haven’t been on reddit for months but I imagine the sub is fairly active, I haven’t seen any posts on here about it being nuked.