Now that LXQt is a thing, is LXDE officially abandoned as a desktop environment? I personally like GTK more than Qt, and LXDE is also lighter on resources, especially since most Linux apps are GTK, which LXQt would have to use memory to load the libraries for. Is there any chance that LXDE could continue to get support? Otherwise, how likely is it that it would be forked and continue to be developed for like Unity was?

Failing all those, are there any actively developed desktop environments that use GTK and are as lightweight as LXDE?

  • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
    33 years ago

    I actually heard that XFCE is about as resource heavy as KDE these days, but surprisingly, it’s because KDE has made amazing strides in optimization, not because XFCE is bloated. Though LXDE is still the lightest full desktop environment by a significant margin, only beat by barebones window managers.

    • @knock
      3 years ago

      deleted by creator

    • Rose
      13 years ago

      I’ve even been hearing that some people are finding Plasma being lighter than XFCE even. It’s really amazing how far they’ve come.