Genuinely serious since this is so much of a meme.

  • DessalinesA
    93 years ago

    Unironically yes for me. At least out of the languages I’ve worked most in, when I have to go back to them, I find myself saying that rust did this much better.

    I used to use duck typed languages for scripting, but those quickly grow complex to where you wish you had compile time type checking anyway.

    Unfortunately the main GUI platforms today are the web, and mobile apps, and neither can really use rust yet.

    • @AgreeableLandscapeOPM
      3 years ago

      What are your thoughts on a possible command line syntax derived from Rust? Kind of like how TempleOS (that really weird religious operating system created by one person) has a shell with C-like syntax, complete with include statements and semicolons after every command.

      I hate bash/sh script’s syntax and really hate batch/powershell, but I don’t know if a Rust-based shell would be better.

      • DessalinesA
        43 years ago

        I don’t know about syntax, there is this Nushell, which is a rust-based shell. I don’t know enough about what makes a good shell syntax to know whether rust-style would be a good fit there.