• NasgorTikusEnjoyer
    2 years ago

    I guess it depends on how much you hate the person, as a javanese-korean i am in a state of utter euphoria knowing that living sack of shit got atleast 10% of what he deserves.

    • I know what you mean. I come from a family were a lot died in concentration camps due to they being suspected of being either commies or Jews, and rejoiced as fuck to everyone that could be related to their deportation and consequently their assassination, but as of now… I can’t, I simply I’m unable to rejoice at it, since what I really wanted is for that for never happened… Not saying you shouldn’t feel relieved by Abe’s death, even if he wasn’t a direct responsable for that, he carried a legacy where he could have choiced the correct option of making Japan recognize the atrocities and retire all the monuments, etc. That’s just how I’m going now.