Have kinda seen these two words used a bit interchangibly, was wondering if there’s a destinction?

  • @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    “Patriotic Socialists” are right-wing revisionists in the US who have this notion that the working class is all conservative white men, so thus they need to appeal to conservative ideas.

    “Nazbol” can either be a pejorative or much more rarely, a self-given label. In the former sense, it’s a pejorative term for reactionary “socialists” like the users of the subreddit EuropeanSocialists, who often spew drivel you’d either expect from 4chan’s /pol/ or Fox News.

    In the latter sense, it refers to radical, populist tendencies of fascism which claim to syncretize far-right social and political views with far-left economics/politics, like Strasserism or Sorelianism.