Maybe this is already widely understood on here, but I feel understanding how the anti-communist left was leveraged to fight nuclear energy.

As more people are reading this I wanted to share what I consider to be a superior analysis

And to be clear, you can be pro-renewable without being anti-nuclear I am referring to many of the European Green parties that are anti-nuclear above all else. Nuclear has it’s drawbacks, but it is preferable to climate change, for now.

  • Muad'Dibber
    82 years ago

    Energy storage at the public utility level is essentially a solved problem, via pumped water storage.

    There are so many political factors that go into different sources of energy, but so far solar, wind, and nuclear have the lowest cost per watt, and least damage to the environment. There are some concerns with the raw materials needed for solar tho that make it not necessarily better than nuclear, even tho its cost per watt has been going drastically down.

      42 years ago

      Environmental impact of making solar panels is definitely not great. Idk how it compares to what goes into a nuclear reactor other than shit ass loads of concrete and steel.