The leader of the opposition was already in house arrest.

  • @OsrsNeedsF2P
    122 years ago

    Damn, upvoting Paul Joseph Watson? Horseshoe theory must be real. I used to watch that guy when I was pro-Trump and rightwing

    • @inciciOP
      32 years ago

      Paul Joseph Watson

      Something doesn’t become wrong or disproven when it is said by someone I don’t like.

    • @Sarcasmo220
      -82 years ago

      I never knew the name for it, but I always thought that if you go far enough in either direction you end up at the same place

        • @Sarcasmo220
          02 years ago

          I know as far as the ideals or political thought far left and far right are different. I guess I am thinking more in line that people on either extreme can become radicalized and land on “the ends justify the means.” So while the far left may say oppression is bad, if they become radicalized they may end up doing oppressive things to those that are not of the same political thought. If someone on the far right is radicalized and already believed in oppression then they just go full force on it. Just a thought.