Lithuania just started blockading the Kaliningrad Region, a russian enclave between Lithuania and Poland, citing “EU sanctions”. Now no trains or trucks carrying commercial goods are allowed to go to Kaliningrad Region from Mainland Russia. Russia warned Lithuania of “serious consequences” if they continued this, saying that their response “will have a serious negative impact on the lithuanian people”. Shits getting real.

    122 years ago

    I didn’t mean Afghanistan for the USA. I meant Afghanistan for USSR. In which case manpower doesn’t matter. Just have to keep pumping arms to whichever group of crazies is fighting against Russia. Will it backfire down the line? Very likely. But it can also force Russian government to increase expenditures on security (both at home and on other territories). It’s fairly cost effective, compared to trying for an open war. In fact that is something USian analysts have been accusing Russia of doing a few years ago.

        142 years ago

        Indeed. So they can do all that, AND paint themselves as a “scrappy underdog, fighting against big evil bad tidal wave of authoritarian evil”, thanks to having an absolute chokehold on the media (internet included).