• JucheBot1988
    162 years ago

    From the article:

    Real power doesn’t lie in forming loose associations to ask your abuser for slightly less-sadistic abuse. Real power is the ability to crush your enemy — the bourgeoisie, the pimp, the john, the trafficker — in order to abolish the conditions causing your exploitation. In a literal way, we must crush their global market that sells and trades women and girls and initiate a revolutionary movement demanding ambitious improvements to women’s conditions.

    It’s worth pointing out that most AES states are absolutely merciless when dealing with traffickers. In the DPRK, human trafficking is apparently one of the few crimes that actually can be punished with public execution. China has mounted massive raids against trafficking hubs, and taken thousands of people into custody. Governments absolutely can fight this rot, and some do.

    • SovereignState
      2 years ago

      Read somewhere that the CPC has or is working on instituted/ing free vocational training for prostitutes as well… punishing the johns and the pimps severely while giving economic opportunities to those forced into the sex trade.

      edit: looking it up now, I am awash with western media calling this vocational training “arbitrary detention in forced rehabilitation centers” even though not a year or two ago I read from western media a much more neutral spin on them, as “vocational training schools”.