• @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          “Patsocs” in general do not appeal to America as a nation. Several “patsocs” ive followed (Caleb Maupin, Infrared, Jackson Hinkle, TheFlameOfLiberation) recognize and condemn the extreme evils that founded the USA like genocide of natives and slavery and reject the notion that the USA is a nation. The USA isnt a nation, rather its an amalgamation of different peoples and nations created by colonialism, they say. They recognize the national liberation struggle of the black and american indigenous nations. Their patriotism towards America isnt patriotism towards the reactionary idea of America and the Founding Fathers. Rather, its a patriotism towards the working peoples and nations that inhabite the USA, and the progressive history of the USA. People like John Brown and Eugene Debs, great american progressive figures, are held in high esteem by “patsocs”.

          This slander campaign against “patsocs” has to stop. You dont have to agree with them on everything, and its perfectly fine to criticize their incorrect positions. But to say that they should be excluded from the communist movement is outrageous! They are marxist leninists. They are antiimperialists, they support China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Syria, DPRK, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, etc. I think thats more than enough to call them comrades. We are in an environment where most people are openly calling for war against Russia and China. A united antiimperialist front is needed, and i think “patsocs” deserve a place in it just like any other antiimperialist.

          And no, before the accusations come, im not an “american chauvinist/supremacist”. Im not american, not even anglo. Im from Spain and english isnt my native language. I feel 0 patriotism or admiration for the USA. I dont agree with everything “patsocs” say. I do agree though that a united antiimperialist communist front is gravely needed nowadays. Which is why we should look for common agreements with “patsocs” (and trust me, we agree with them way more than we disagree), and not look for divergent views. Sure, constructive criticism is fine and important, but shunning and rejecting them from the movement is wrong. Its time for a united antiimperialist front.

            • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              Caleb is 100% not a rightist. Just watch his youtube channel, hes outspoken about LGBT rights and liberation for the black and indigenous nations. When they say they are against “land back”, they arent saying that indigenous people arent oppressed or dont deserve their land back. What they are saying is that “land back” is an incorrect solution to the problem. Rather, they propose land reform to solve the problem, redistribution of land from the rich white bourgeoisie to poor proletarians, which ofc includes blacks and natives. I personally support land back and disagree with their position, but its important to actually understand what they are really saying because its often misrepresented by morons in the debate bro scene.

              Haz does have certain rightist positions (mainly relating LGBT struggles and weird shit he says about “degenerates” which i really dont understand). Nevertheless, he is a committed marxist leninist and antiimperialist and is very well read, he knows a lot about marxism. He 100% did not say the USA is socialist, i can guarantee you that. He also does not support the republicans. Its true that he supported Trump in the 2016 election, but that was the right move imo. Trumps platform claimed to be antiwar, and the alternative was fkin Hillary Clinton. In the end Trump turned out to be an establishment sellout, which is why Haz doesnt support him anymore. He especially despises him due to him ordering the criminal assassination of Qassem Soleimani. Its true though that he supports certain antiwar libertarian republicans like Rand Paul, but thats just because of antiimperialism, and i think its the right choice. If the USA were to withdraw its worldwide military bases and stop all these wars, as Rand Paul and other republicans propose, it would be a good thing for everyone, especially the global south. Also reminder that Haz is arab (he is lebanese), so to say that hes a white supremacist is ridiculous.

              • @cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
                72 years ago

                I used to be a fan of Infrared, and I used to think that he had potential and he was just somewhat misguided but his heart and mind were probably in the right place.

                Then he started spouting off alt-reich rhetoric about “soyboys” and “real communists are conservative”, then he sneered at landback (in a non-marxist sense) and denied that the U.S. was built on genocide and then called the Mughal empire “socialist” and I grew sick and tired and angry at him as his bootlicking fanbase started to worship him and agree with his alt-reich talking points and him being critical of actually existing socialism.

                Haz is a grifter and a reactionary in disguise and a cracker pos.

                • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
                  -12 years ago

                  What? How is he critical of AES? He literally supports all AES states and praises them! I do agree that he uses some weird alt right rhethoric sometimes (i literally mentioned it in the comment you are responding to), and i dont like it and it should be criticized and called out. But this is nowhere near enough to say that “hes a nazbol/fascist”. At the end of the day, hes an antiimperialist, he supports China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, DPRK, Vietnam, etc, and this at a time when most people are actively rooting for war against Russia and China. Imperialism is the primary contradiction of our era, the rest is secondary for now. We need everyone who supports antiimperialism to be united with us in a broad antiimperialist front, just like Stalin did in the 1930s. Stalin created the Popular Fronts in Europe, uniting all antifascist forces, from liberals to MLs. Ofc liberals are reactionary, but they were included in the front anyway because the big threat at the time was fascism. Same with US imperialism nowadays, we must unite all antiimperialist forces in one front. And that includes Haz and other “patsocs”. I agree, their wrong positions should be criticized, but we must not exclude them from the communist movement. We are living in critical times, unity among the left is essential.

                  • @cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
                    42 years ago

                    “When real socialists take power, it will be the manly conservatives, not the soyboys leftists in communists today.”

                    You make it seem like Infrared and his followers have something to offer or meaningful contribution or aren’t alt-reich rejects.