• Nyoomie
    2 years ago

    I do not mean to be rude when I say this, but this sounds like it is lacking a proper analysis of gender and like a dismissal of the struggles ace people face both, comrade.

    There is nothing related to gender that defines these 2 “sexual identities”, rather they are completely based off your emotions. Sexuality and sexual identities are based on gender […] However, with asexual and demisexual, this is absent.

    This is fundamentally flawed. The asexual identity of ace people absolutely has to tie in to gender. You can say you are homosexual because you identify with attraction towards same-sex individuals. Put this another way: You identify with having no attraction to any other gender, except for the same one. Take that one away too and what do you have? Asexuality.

    If you take that same gay person and they realize that actually they’re not only not attracted to the other sex - they’re actually…not attracted to the same one ether. Or anyone else. They might come to the conclusion that they are asexual.

    It is not based on “emotion” it is based entirely on who you are sexually attracted to - it happens to be no gender at all. You can say that homosexuality is entirely based on “emotion”, as gay people just happen to be attracted to a random sex - but this is a flawed argument, as it lacks a fundamental understanding of attraction.

    An asexual person’s attraction can simply be rephrased as: no matter what gender you are, be it the same as theirs or not - they are not sexually attracted to you. And you cannot have that definition without gender.

    When a person is LGBTQ, this can be identified by outsiders looking at you. […] Sexual identities are clearly visible on the outside

    Absolutely not true. Dare I say, the majority of LGBT people are straight passing. Gender presentation, gender identity, sexual attraction and romantic attraction are all separate things that do not, in any way shape or form, have to coincide with one another at any given time for any particular individual.

    The only thing visible on the outside is gender presentation. If a guy presents in a feminine way, they may very well be straight. Or bi. Or ace. You cannot tell unless you ask. Any trans person can be any sexuality. And non-binary person can be. You will be harassed by reactionaries based on your gender presentation - if they can clock you as trans or potentially gay-looking, they might harass you.

    An ace person wearing an ace pin is going to get harassed just the same. An ace person rejecting the sexual advances of reactionaries is going to get harassed just the same (got forbid they say “sorry dude, i’m ace” and out themselves are non-hetero-normative). They also face their fair share of “I can fix you” or “I’ll make you like sex” types like gay people face “i can turn you straight” ones.

    Aro/Ace/Etc. people are, and always will be, part of the LGBT movement if they wish to be so, because their struggles stem from the fact that they are not hetero-normative. And finally, fundametnally: There is no minimum bar to the the amount of oppression one must face - we all have the human right not to be opressed in the first place. Even if ace people had it all peachy - we should still support them and listen to their voices like any other.

    And the topic further extends to the fact that sexual and romantic attraction are separate, so one can be Asexual and homoromantic, or homosexual and aromantic, but I will let you research that yourself.

    • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I still dont fully agree with you, but i will say that you have made me think and question my previously held beliefs. In the end, if ace people feel they need to be part of the LGBT movement and it benefits them, then i guess i cannot do anything else but support them. Hopefully they will face no more prejudices under socialism.

      • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
        22 years ago

        If asexual people aren’t getting in the way of anti-transphobia, anti-homophobia and anti-biphobia, it’s grasping at definitions to complain about whether they are or not LGBT. My and your opinion doesn’t really matter at the end of day because it hurts nobody beyond some confusion.