I think they clearly expressed they were going through some hard times. I don’t think that’s necessarily a sin. And I don’t think one comment we all disagree (landlords) is a good lone reason to ban. Did I miss something? Not trying to stir the pot I just think patience and compassion should always come first.

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    92 years ago

    Ive been concerned about them for a while, imo a ban should only be leveled on someone who either is malicious in their intent, disrespectful and bigoted, or unapologetically anti-communist. This looks like a case of ignorance more than anything. This is the sort of ban I’d expect on Reddit, not here.

    • Ratette (she/her)
      92 years ago

      I think more effort should have be made to help and uplift comrades in these situations. I can appreciate how abrasive they were and when people are trying to help that can get tiring quickly especially when everyone’s got their own problems but still it doesn’t feel right to 86 someone who clearly isn’t in a good place.

      • KiG V2OP
        42 years ago

        I think for those tired out with it the M.O. should be simply to ignore it. Let those with less arduous days who still have some mental and emotional energy to spare take care of it. I also know that negativity is exhausting but how rewarding it can be to help someone up, and that it takes repetitive hard work.

    • KiG V2OP
      32 years ago

      Yeah, maybe some sort of temporary ban type deal or “time out” (something less infantilizing sounding of course) if someone is being particularly belligerent, a way to take 5 and step away and clear one’s head of need be, I think such a thing could definitely have its uses.