Anyone have a higher tally count? God those mods can be infuriating sometimes aha

      2 years ago

      Spin the wheel and let’s find out!

      >Defending China
      >Not defending China enough
      >Posting on non-commie subreddits
      >Posting on commie subreddits
      >Mod had a bad day
      >Made your answer too simple
      >Made your answer too complex
      >Mod misclicked, will not admit mistake
      >Mod read some Maoist theory and has found renewed hatred for white people

    • NyoomieOP
      2 years ago

      This latest ban I find very lame:

      A person didn’t understand the concept of people-relations very well and had a sorta anarchy understanding that under communism “If you want x you’d just find a person/friend that does x and ask them if they’ll do it for you” (remind me of the beans meme lol). And so they asked “What if people in my community don’t like me?” Like “What if I want a patio built can people just reject me for no reason?”

      So I decided to just leave a small comment and said it’ll likely actually be a technologically advanced society and you can still just get whatever you want online, but it’ll be free (we’re talking communism-communism) and likely work by just notifying people in your area. I did clarify that this was a personal idea/thought. I just wanted to get the idea in their head that communism is not that primitive. Someone else can go into details about how social relations could possibly be shaped or so.

      Unfortunately with that, it seems that I forgot to mention the cookie-cutter response that ‘we are Marxists who can’t know about the future and so we shouldn’t even dare fantasize!!’ or whatev

      Anyway, the OPs post got deleted by the mods (hope the guy didn’t get too discouraged), and I got permanently banned for “No non-marxist answers”. Maybe I was in the wrong there and you guys can dunk on me if so but man I really don’t think I was that terrible of an anti-communist aha

      P.S. I also I had some guy replying to me saying “I like how you assume you could get other people to build your crap for you” as if ppl into construction would up and just disappear from the world and you couldn’t kindly ask someone online lol

      • KiG V2
        32 years ago

        I think speculating about a communist future is desperately needed! Isn’t everybody always complaining about capitalist realism and the inability to imagine a world beyond capitalism??

        Me personally, I’d just figure that if robots weren’t essentially doing it, that there would be groups of people volunteering to do it for any and everybody.

        Also permabanning is just so petty and draconian, like it’s one thing to think your comment doesn’t fit into the strict rules of the community but just like…they couldn’t just message you and tell you that? So dumb.

        • NyoomieOP
          2 years ago

          Right?? 100% agree with you on like, all 3 points