
Don’t agree with his assessment at all pretty much, but still interested what yous think about that stance, because really I’ve not seen much theory based discussion on the topic since the early days of the conflict.

    82 years ago

    For those who downvoted this can you offer a response I would be curious to know what you diagree with ? If I left something vague in my original comment please point it out.

        32 years ago

        Not really as we aren’t Russian nationalists or chauvinists, we are Communists. This is an opportunity to bring clarity to the working class. To take full advantage of the situation we must call out the war for what it is a Capitalist war that the working class is forced to fight. In turn, we must organize and agitate to raise the class consciousness of the working class in preparation for revolution or in the short term to simply strike back.

    • Muad'Dibber
      42 years ago

      There are two types of capitalist countries.

      • A tiny number of parasitic imperial core ones. Examples: The US, UK, France, Germany, Nordic countries, most OECD nations.
      • A huge number of poor nations being fed upon. Examples: Honduras, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Thailand, Pakistan, etc.

      The countries in the second group do not become imperialist simply because they are capitalist countries; and even their nationalisms cannot be equated with those of the richer countries, whose wealth depends on the super exploitation and low wages of a much larger number of countries and people.

      Russia does not fit into the first category, it is not engaged in finance capital imperialism and surplus value extraction from other nations.

        52 years ago

        I concede the point of Russia being imperialist, but does that really change the main thrust of my position. Does changing it from Imperialist war to Capitalist war change what I am talking about? If not then it’s a moot point. We still shouldn’t support either because we are communists we don’t support capitalist countries throwing the working class at one another for their ploys.

        • Muad'Dibber
          22 years ago

          Again, you are assuming that every war a capitalist country makes must necessarily be nefarious, which is a false premise. Also, you are equating all nationalisms as equal.

          First of all, Russia has every right to cripple the Ukrainian military for killing people in the Donbass region with impunity for over a decade. Neo nazi Ukrainian militaries and paramilitaries have killed about 6k to 10k people. Were you not aware of this?

          Secondly, Russian nationalism more than any other country has a proletarian character, with most of the country nostalgic for its soviet past. They have no ambitions other than having a stable border country that isn’t going to keep killing russian-speaking civilians, as Ukraine has been doing.

          This “we don’t support any capitalist war!” is a baby-level take, only possible by completely ignoring the different interests, types, and histories of the countries involved. The “working class” of Ukraine still has a nazi / banderist government that keeps sending troops into the donbass.

          The US has couped dozens of capitalist countries who go against US interests. The retaliation of those countries is wholly justified.

            • Muad'Dibber
              32 years ago

              So you would also have called for the revolutionary defeat of Iraq, Afganistan, Chile, Venezuela, Grenada, Ethiopia, Syria, Libya?

              All of these are / were predominantly capitalist countries, attacked by western powers.

                12 years ago

                So like I said in another comment we must support the causes that weaken imperialism not those that strengthen it. Revolutionary defeatism is employed when the imperialists go to war. I previously yielded the point on Russia being Imperialist, but Preston Maness’ comment and having watched the portion of the video dealing with this question forced me to change my opinion as it seems that Russia is Imperialist by the definition that you use. I do not support the USA’s invasion or attempted coups to make the countries colonies or semi-colonies. I can accept that the byproduct of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine weakens Nato, but in turn it Strengthens Russia. I do not dismiss that the USA is the leading member of the imperialist block, but that does not make Russia anti-imperialist, it’s a rising imperialist power that cooperates with developing countries for its benefit. Remember the game that is being played is one of power politics. We are not players in this game, but we can wreck their game. That is our job whether you accept it or deny it. We are communists and as such we stand with the working class of all countries against Capitalism in all its forms. Picking a side in this imperialist conflict is nothing but campism and attempting to equate this imperialist struggle with the struggle of colonized countries for their self-determination from the largest imperialist power is not the same thing. Comrade, it’s really time for some self-criticism; analyze and go over Lenin, Stalin, and others who have dealt with this topic before. I do not claim to know everything, but I don’t think continuing this comment thread will be of help to anyone. If you wish to continue this even after all I’ve said, make a substantial criticism of my position. If you are correct I will change my opinion if not I will not reply. Have a good one comrade.

        42 years ago

        The nationalization of industries isn’t really a sign of trending away from capitalism, it’s simply a way for the state to take control of their resources away from external corporations( sometimes it occurs because of inefficiency within the economic sphere). This can be seen in Mexico in that it’s capitalist but has had nationalized oil for what is going to be close to a century now. I am not too sure about the politics of Russia at the moment, but we must remember that every state is simply the representative of the class that holds power. What I mean by this is that it’s either a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie or a dictatorship of the proletariat. This is an overgeneralization, but most states fit into one of these two categories.

      12 years ago

      I think someone is just downvoting all the comments. If you look through this post you’ll see a bunch of comments that for some reason have a single downvote. Even your comment that I’m replying to has 1 downvote, lol.

    • Preston Maness ☭
      -42 years ago

      You won’t get one. Unfortunately, a great many comrades have chosen to ignore Lenin’s lessons on imperialism in favor of a philistine “America bad, Russia good” analysis.

        • Preston Maness ☭
          42 years ago

          I wouldn’t. I’ve had my comments on this matter silently removed from threads–as in, not even showing up in the modlog-- before (and have had them removed completely, a problem I will remedy below shortly), on this particular post from a month ago:

          Notice how links to specific comments I’ve made don’t work; they revert back to the top-level post:

          But I’ll happily explain, again, why I think this is an imperialist war on both fronts:

          From Lenin:

          If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition of imperialism we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism. Such a definition would include what is most important, for, on the one hand, finance capital is the bank capital of a few very big monopolist banks, merged with the capital of the monopolist associations of industrialists; and, on the other hand, the division of the world is the transition from a colonial policy which has extended without hindrance to territories unseized by any capitalist power, to a colonial policy of monopolist possession of the territory of the world, which has been completely divided up.

          But very brief definitions, although convenient, for they sum up the main points, are nevertheless inadequate, since we have to deduce from them some especially important features of the phenomenon that has to be defined. And so, without forgetting the conditional and relative value of all definitions in general, which can never embrace all the concatenations of a phenomenon in its full development, we must give a definition of imperialism that will include the following five of its basic features:

          (1) the concentration of production and capital has developed to such a high stage that it has created monopolies which play a decisive role in economic life;

          (2) the merging of bank capital with industrial capital, and the creation, on the basis of this “finance capital,” of a financial oligarchy;

          (3) the export of capital as distinguished from the export of commodities acquires exceptional importance;

          (4) the formation of international monopolist capitalist associations which share the world among themselves and

          (5) the territorial division of the whole world among the biggest capitalist powers is completed.

          Imperialism is capitalism at that stage of development at which the dominance of monopolies and finance capital is established; in which the export of capital has acquired pronounced importance; in which the division of the world among the international trusts has begun, in which the division of all territories of the globe among the biggest capitalist powers has been completed.

          Both NATO and Russia meet these five features handily.

          1. Russia has monopolies across its industries. Gazprom in particular plays a decisive role in economic life.
          2. Russia’s banks and industry, like all capitalist countries in the 21st century, are deeply intertwined. Russia has a financial oligarchy.
          3. Russia is involved, to the tune of hundreds of billions net positive, in international capital investment. Raw statistics from the Bank of Russia can be found here. And this is just the “official” activity, disregarding other forms of capital “outflows” (i.e., oligarchs funneling money out of the country) that you may or may not classify as “capital investment” elsewhere.
          4. Russia’s oil and gas companies have common interests with the oil and gas companies of NATO. Russia supplies a quarter of Europe’s oil and half of its natural gas. When large fossil fuel resources were discovered off the coast of Crimea, Ukraine did not have the capital to extract those resources itself. Ukraine turned to western oil companies to assist in the extraction. Russia eventually muscled its way to the table with its annexation of Crimea to ensure it would get its slice of the pie.
          5. The current conflict in Ukraine has Russia protecting one of its spheres of influence directly, with raw military power.

          Counter-arguments so far mostly boil down to variations on changing the names of things and thinking that changes the things themselves (something Engels warned us against):

          • “NATO is bigger than Russia” - True and irrelevant. That Russia is an upstart imperialist with less in its coffers and NATO is the reining champ does not change the imperialist character of Russia’s behaviour.
          • “Russia is not big enough to be imperialist” - False. Russia’s GDP floats around 10th in the world year-over-year. The notion that it is a victim of imperialism, that it is on the periphery rather than the core, is ludicrous. And Lenin did not specify a threshold precisely because a threshold would imply that the same behaviour can both be imperialism and not be imperialism; a contradiction.
          • “That’s not foreign finance capital; it’s capital flight” - Whether capital is exported directly via the Bank of Russia, or indirectly via tax havens, the class relations between Russia’s proletariat and its capitalists remain the same. The relationship between Russia’s oligarchs and those it subjugates across the world remains the same. The notion that capitalists, addicted to growth, are merely parking hundreds of billions of dollars in Cyprus or the Cayman islands or any other tax haven, and not investing it elsewhere, strains credulity.
          • “We must establish a multi-polar world” - True. Russia, being a capitalist and imperialist antagonist, cannot be allowed to become that second pole. That pole must be taken up by China, the only country that has even a snowball’s chance in hell of saving humanity from the crash course it’s currently on.
            32 years ago

            China sells resources to the U.S. and Nato as well, is victimized by sanctions, and is willing to use force to defend itself and its allies from capitalist states.

            None of these mean China is capitalist or imperialist. No one is denying Russia is a capitalist country, but Russia is providing resources and labor to imperialized countries for relatively small amounts of debt. I see your point but its a stretch.

            22 years ago

            Your right and you put it in a far better way than I could have managed. Thanks, comrade. I needed this have a good night mate.

      • Just curious, what does “Philistine” means in English? In context it seems it is some sort of “Black/White thinking mentality” or something.

        • Preston Maness ☭
          32 years ago

          That’s basically what I’m going for, yes. I intend it as a derogatory term for those that refuse to engage honestly and deeply with the matters at hand. I suppose I could also just say something else like “neo-Kautskyites.”

          • I see. It’s just that I, as a non-Anglo nor English-speaking expert, and into history, the only way I knew about Philistine was the mixed semitic Canaanite/Semitic people mixed with Sea immigrants/colonials from possibly the Hegean Sea that later in history the Romans called Palestinia/Palestine.

        -12 years ago

        That’s categorically not true. The vast majority of leftists here only support Russia critically. Russia is a capitalist hellhole, and Putin is a maniacal reich-wing douchebag and he surely has ulterior motives. But to call or insinuate that Russia is imperialist is dishonest nonsense.

        • Preston Maness ☭
          22 years ago

          That you’ve been downvoted to hell here should dissuade you of the notion that most folks here “only support Russia critically.”

            -12 years ago

            I’ve got less downvotes than you by a mountain’s worth. But those downvoting me were merely proving themselves wrong anyway. Your dick-measuring contest is stupid.