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  • @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    202 years ago

    Anyone else a bit annoyed by the ‘conspiracy theory’ label in regards to fascists like the Buffalo shooter’s opinions?

    Don’t get me wrong, plain old conspiracy theories do exist. Like lizard people, Neuschwabenland, etc. Just crazy, random nonsense that inevitably comes up in populations as large as ours with education as lacking as it is.

    What’s bugging me about labeling eg the ‘Great Replacement theory’ as a conspiracy theory, or at least the way it’s labeled as such, is that it implies they too are merely the result of random crazy people. Just some loony shit conjured up by some isolated weirdo brains. In reality this specific example is far from that. It is a natural and somewhat inevitable conclusion of larger ideological trends and systems that spawn them. In systems as structurally racist, white supremacist and chauvinistic as the US (or the West broadly) something like the Great Replacement theory almost has to arise to reconcile the contradictions between material reality and liberal ideology. It’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s just plain fascist ideology. Imo labeling things like it as conspiracy theories - mostly done by liberal media ofc - 1.) doesn’t have any explanatory power and 2.) also serves only to obscure the broader context of events like the Buffalo shooting. They serve to portray these dudes as random, crazy individuals, not products of larger ideologies, movements and systems.

    Maybe pedantic, but just had to rant about this.

    • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
      112 years ago

      Yeah we need to stop calling these thing conspiracies theories and call them what they are: Reactionary belief systems.

    • Strictly speaking, it is a theory about a conspiracy, but MSM uses that term for basically anything that doesn’t fit with their narrative. They often seem to use words so widely that they become meaningless, like “genocide” or “fascist”

    • @panic@lemmygrad.ml
      42 years ago

      Maybe I’m wrong, but the lizard people conspiracy is directly tied to antisemitism. You know, with David Icke popularizing it and all.