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  • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
    192 years ago

    I live in the USA and I’ve felt increasingly hopeless. I used to worry about climate change but now I’m more worried about nuclear war or the USA turning into a full blown genocidal fascist state.

    Is this what it felt like living in the USSR in the late 80s? Or in Europe in the early 20th century?

    • You don’t have to go that far back, or even leave the shores of the USA. The 50s and early 60s, the Red Scare years, were chock full of lynchings, leftists jailings, black leaders being assassinated (the CIA assassinating a president?), militarism, and imperialism. They had wee kiddies practicing cowering under our desks as school safety events in case of nuclear war. Actually, except for the addition of the climate starting to kill us, little has changed in 60 years. It may seem worse now since the real left has been neutered and replaced with whatever the DSA and their ilk pretend to be.

      • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
        152 years ago

        Anticommunism is the most successful campaign in history. I’m a millennial and I can tell you any mainstream talk of socialism and communism in the USA was completely snuffed out until recently.

        I really have no idea how the rest of the world views the US. It’s largely hidden form us unless it’s some islamaphobic ‘they hate our freedoms’ type bs. If the world survives the downfall of the US, I’d love to see some research into just how propagandized Americans really are.

    • Definitely feels like Europe in the early 20th century. Fascism and socialism will clash again this century, and we are getting dangerously close to a major war