• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    22 years ago

    The evidence that the government explicitly said it wanted to join NATO that you yourself already admitted?

    • liwott
      -12 years ago

      Sorry, what did I say that you interpret as admitting that?

        • liwott
          -22 years ago

          That application was shelved in 2010 by the Yanukovich government. The Maidan government changed nothing to that status, and explicitly said that it had no intention to join NATO. So from that perspective it is hard to see the Crimean invasion as a direct consequence of that 2008 application.

          It was rather, I guess we agree on that, a direct consequence to the Maidan revolution. The link being, you claim, that this government was set up by the US and planned to join NATO. What did it say or do that indicated that it wanted to join NATO? The fact that it didn’t, over a few weeks, cancel the shelved application that the Yanukovych government didn’t cancel over 6 years?

          • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
            02 years ago

            If you don’t understand why US ran a coup in Ukraine and installed the government they did, I really don’t know what else to tell you.