Game manuals were popular in the 80s and 90s; but they are rarely made in the current year.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    2 years ago

    Not only one of those, but most of those. It is not only EA making all the bad games, but Ubisoft, Activision and all others as well. Gameplay is a tertiary focus to 4K graphics and selling DLCs and lootboxes to kids that use their mom’s credit card.

    Tell me a game that can give me as good of an experience as Megaman X5 I finished a couple nights ago.

    • @Zerush
      22 years ago

      I don’t know Megaman, but I know well the mencioned The Dark Mod, a game which never can be finished, because every few times the community create a new mission for it. I am playing this game for years now with a very good experience, apart of a nice and friendly support in the community it has.