• @jackalope
    12 years ago

    But is reasonable from a global, objective view?

    The fact Russia felt it was reasonable isn’t an argument for it being reasonable. That’s just a circular argument. Pinochet thought it was reasonable to coup Chile. People do lots of bad things for reasons they think are good…

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      22 years ago

      What’s reasonable is fundamentally a subjective question. Was the west escalating tensions with Russia for the past 30 years, despite all the experts warning against it, reasonable?

      • @jackalope
        2 years ago

        What’s reasonable is fundamentally a subjective question.

        I don’t think I agree with that though it really all depends on how you define “reasonable” I guess.

        If someone has bad information or an ideology that distorts their capacity to engage in epistemology, then I think they can be unreasonable on a higher more objective level despite having their own personal subjective reasons.

        Was the west escalating tensions with Russia for the past 30 years, despite all the experts warning against it, reasonable?

        probably not. I don’t find much about American foreign policy to be very reasonable.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          12 years ago

          I don’t think I agree with that though it really all depends on how you define “reasonable” I guess.

          What’s reasonable depends on what your concerns, goals, and priorities are. It’s based on what your think is important to you. Two people can have all the same objective facts and make different subjective interpretations of the facts.

          Russia sees NATO as a hostile force that’s been expanding to their borders. They have stated their security concerns repeatedly over the years, and were unable to find a way to negotiate with the west. Now they view a conflict with NATO is being inevitable, and they chose to fight on their terms. From their perspective, what they’re doing is logical and reasonable.

          The west on the other hand is an example of what happens when actions are driven by ideology. The west took the position of prolonging the war instead of looking for a diplomatic solution, and started an economic war that’s now creating sever blow back in western countries. Neither of these actions appear reasonable or rational to me.

          • @jackalope
            12 years ago

            Two people can have all the same objective facts and make different subjective interpretations of the facts.

            People don’t have objective facts. It’s inherently impossible. People only have subjective experience to infer objectivity from.

            The west on the other hand is an example of what happens when actions are driven by ideology. The west took the position of prolonging the war instead of looking for a diplomatic solution, and started an economic war that’s now creating sever blow back in western countries. Neither of these actions appear reasonable or rational to me.

            That seems to be a shift in your position then. You’re now saying neither are reasonable?

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              22 years ago

              I’m saying neither of the actions that the west took are reasonable.