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I think they twitter will become a lot more lax on bans, potentially more strict on banning people who make fun of elon. I think trump will return to twitter. Overall, seems like a ginormous win for the libertarians/ancaps.

I think we should capitalize on this moment and bring way more people to the fediverse.

  • @the_tech_beast
    82 years ago

    Yes, it is possible to migrate your account to a new server. There is an option in the settings.

    • @jackalope
      12 years ago

      Is it possible to change the name of my account?

      I got it back in 2017 so I kinda want to keep it but the handle I sofned up with is kinda of lame.

      • @the_tech_beast
        22 years ago

        You can easily change the display name of your account. Check the settings.

        To check your username, I think you will need to create a new account on the same server or else you can create a new account on another instance and then migrate your account.

        • @jackalope
          2 years ago

          Yeah that’s what I thought. Oof I just want a nicer short username.

          Does Mastodon have any plans for how usernames and old accounts get retired? I guess maybe that’s just left up to individual servers though.

          Just a thought! I have changed my personal website location multiple times, but I have the same domain name each time. Do change within the fediverse even if you change servers? like if I restart a server? If I start a new server years later and give it the same name as an old server but don’t move over the content, does it still appear on other servers that are federated up?