DAITA: Defence Against AI-guided Traffic Analysis. Which one of these would consider to be the best option for privacy? I can’t have both on at the same time.
DAITA: Defence Against AI-guided Traffic Analysis. Which one of these would consider to be the best option for privacy? I can’t have both on at the same time.
As a side note, I don’t know if I maybe have something configured wrong but is DAITA supposed to absolutely massacre your connection speed? I assumed it would be slower but my connection goes from ~190Mpbs to 3Mbps when I enable it.
on my phone it goes from 280 to less than 1, on pc from 700 to 400-ish which is acceptable. but idk what the heck happens on android, becomes unusable.
Only a few server support d a i t a, so if you enable it, your traffic is routing to a few servers on the entire planet. So it’s very slow