• @OsrsNeedsF2P
      2 years ago

      Out of the loop on Brazil - seen it mentioned here more and more lately. What’s the importance of it? (Besides being a country with millions of people in it)

      • @pinkeston@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Largest South American economy by far, it’s top 10 world. Brazil is extremely rich, it just seems poor because of their ridiculous wealth inequality

        They’re extremely natural resource rich. Tons of wood (Amazon rainforest being the most famous example) and they have by far the most freshwater reserves

        Large landmass also means lots of ports on the East coast too. Brazil has most of the East Coast of South America and they have the warmest longitudes too

    • Bro ngl, I think it’s very possible really really soon.

      Maybe I am blinded by optimism? Maybe. But even though I don’t think it will be easy, I still think it is possible.

      Recently I have seen more and more people around me sharing left leaning views, even if they are not communists. I’m talking about ex-bolsonaro supporters. Could it be just my personal bubble? Maybe. But people are disappointed with Bolsonaro’s government and I’ve heard that UJC is growing in numbers too, though I don’t have any data, only rumors :(

      Still, this year we have elections and I think PCB decision to have it’s own candidate - Sofia Manzano - not with the intention to win (though it would be great), but to introduce communist views in the mainstream society is a very good decision. If this works out as intended, we could see a rise in the Brazilian radical left, specially because Lula’s class-conciliation politics are low key doomed to fail. I don’t think he will be able to repeat what he did back then. By having the criticism made by the communists, coupled with the population not really liking the far-right shift we took in the last few years (Temer was extremely impopular and and Bolsonaro has a significant rejection) it could mean gathering more and more support for an eventual Brazilian Revolution.

      Also Jones is running for local governor in Pernambuco and I’ve never been so excited. I really want him to win. Can you imagine the improvements in Pernambucanos life conditions with policies supporting family agriculture and housing? Or the absolute terror libs would feel all over the country if he confronts bus enterprises and reverts back privatizations like he wants to? It would be the most insane shit ever and if it works out would also mean more support for our cause. The sheer optimism he shows in videos like this one is really inspiring, specially when you consider the absolute hell we are going through. I think we need that.

      Like I said, maybe I’m a bit too optimistic, but even though our struggle will be hard and painful, I still think we can do it. Maybe in 20 years?